Originally from Lima, Peru, and currently residing in Brooklyn, Jaime Carvallo is a talented and experienced financial leader who has spent his career acquiring and honing his skills as a dominant professional in his industry. Jaime knows that collaboration is crucial for success when it comes to leadership. When his team succeeds, he succeeds with them. He also focuses heavily on inclusion and accountability. Every person on a team has value and a right to be heard and validated. This recipe of bringing together a group of talented individuals who share the same commitment to excellence and vision has been the reason for his success time and time again.
Jaime currently works for Gladstone Group as a Senior Advisor for Mergers and Acquisitions advising asset & wealth managers and brokerage firms. Prior to this role, Jaime Carvallo worked with Incap Group as Managing Director of Mergers & Acquisitions within the same industry. Prior to that, Jaime co-founded Park Sutton Advisors, another successful investment banking boutique, and managed numerous successful mergers and acquisitions engagement while also providing strategic advisory services to his clients nationwide.
Jaime graduated from the Universidad de Lima with a Bachelor of Business Administration. After graduation, he began working for Banco de Credito del Peru as a Credit Officer for Commercial Banking in the Corporate Banking Division. After three years in the role, during which he managed a portfolio of $250 million of loans for the largest import/export businesses in Peru, he stepped up into the role of Senior Risk Analyst.
Jaime then returned to academia and enrolled at The Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated with his MBA, majoring in Strategic Management with a concentration in Finance and Marketing. After graduating, Jaime moved to New York, becoming the Relationship Manager for The Citigroup Private Bank. Jaime joined HSBC Bank as Vice President, developing the Andean Region market and working as a wealth advisor.
Based on his decades of success with wealth management and the world of mergers & acquisitions, Jaime Carvallo co-founded an investment banking boutique in New York, Park Sutton Advisors. Here, he focused on middle-market M&A and strategic advisory work. After ten years of working with global asset and wealth managers, broker-dealers, and fund administrators, Jaime chose the position at Gladstone.
Learn more about Jaime Carvallo by visiting his other websites, JaimeCarvallo.net and JaimeCarvallo.org.
Past Positions
Co-Founder of Park Sutton Advisors, LLC
Mergers and Acquisitions, as well as strategic advisor for asset & wealth managers, fund administrators, and broker-dealers.
Vice President of Deutsche Bank Trust Company, N.A
Private Banker focused on developing the book of high-net-worth clients in Peru, Columbia, and Ecuador for the bank’s New York office.
Vice President of HSBC Private Bank
Private Bank focused on Developing the Book of high-net-worth clients in Peru, Columbia, and Ecuador for the bank’s New York Office. In addition, Jaime co-managed the largest relationship for the bank’s New York office, working closely with the Private Bank’s Latam CEO.’/
Assistant Vice President with the Citigroup Private Bank
Private bank focused on developing the book of high-net-worth clients in Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador for the bank’s New York office.
The University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business
Master of Business (MBA), Finance | 2001
Jaime Carvallo graduated from the Wharton School of Business in 2001, earning his MBA in Finance. The Wharton School of Business is a branch of the private Ivy League University of Pennsylvania located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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